The story of a lovely couple, who reunited and got married after being separated by Boko Haram is rocking the Nigerian Internet.


Ibrahim and Hauna John were engaged and due to wed when their homes were invaded by insurgents and both were forced to flee.

In a photo story shared recently by United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the engaged couple were miles apart after the attack, Hauna fled to Minawao camp, Cameroon while Ibrahim stayed in Nigeria to complete his school exam.
The newlyweds were reunited in the refugee camp after being separated for a while. “I was worried when he was not here. … But the very [day I] saw him in the camp, I was very happy,” said Hauna.

“I had to hold her to my cheek. … Heaven was very close to me that day,” said Ibrahim of their reunion. The bride and groom say they plan to start a family, not minding the difficulties they are likely to face.